Italy is quite a small country.
Despite that, Italian is the fifth most taught foreign language in the world.
Are you wondering why? Many reasons could be mentioned, and here are a few:
Italian is considered by many one of the most beautiful languages in the world: it is melodic, very rich in terminology and the closest to Latin amongst the Romance languages. Most European languages have been influenced by Latin (60% of English vocabulary comes from Latin), therefore learning Italian would expand your understanding of other toungues too.
A lot of people all over the world are in love with Italy: its landscapes are stunning (according to Unesco, most of the world’s cultural heritage sites are in Italy), people are friendly, climate is generous, and food is fantastic. Mastering the Italian language will help you understand and feeling part of this unique mix of cultures, and it will make it easy and pleasant on your travel adventures.
Finally, Italian cultural background is tremendous. Art, music, architecture, literature, design, machinery, engineering and transports wouldn’t be the same without its influence, therefore knowing Italian will be beneficial for many career fields, and your culture in general.
Whatever your reason and starting level, one of our Italian teachers at Belle Lingue will be pleased to take you on this wonderful journey of learning the Italian language.